Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Katering Rp30 Juta Per Bulan, Siti Nurhaliza Bikin Pangling Usai Lahiran

I have written articles in the past that have dealt with the selling of Insurance. What I want to do with this article is deal more with the business of Insurance. Although most agents will start off as Independent Contractors they sometimes think of themselves as employees. They go to work a certain time each day, attend all the meetings, do what their manager expects and then look for a check by the end of the week. This mentality works well for the hourly employee but is the death of an Independent Contractor who is an Insurance Agent. First, agents are only compensated for writing business that is issued and stays on the books. Period. There are some Insurance companies that will hire agents and give them a salary for a specific period of time but overall most agents work on straight commission. Understanding this means that each day an agent must ask themselves "is this activity going to help me write business?" If the answer is yes, great. If it is no, then you really need to minimize how much of it you do. I remember working for a large Insurance carrier who required we come in twice a week to cold call. Plus on another day we had meetings that were supposedly motivational that could last well into the afternoon. You were still expected to produce. But after you have done this you realize that cold calling is one of the most ineffective ways to gain leads (takes a lot of time and typically you get few results). Add to that unpaid meetings that can take another day out of your week and you will have about 60% of your 5 day work week spent on activities that don't generate commissions. Second, when you view your sales career as a business, expenses are very important to you. You have to pay to get a license, then you pay to keep it through continuing ed classes and renewal fees. You must have a car to get to appointments and meetings and gas is very expensive. You have to have decent clothes to wear and you many need to invest in materials so that you can do your job (laptop, computer, cell phone). Plus if you prospect you will need to pay for materials so that you can prospect such as leads (which are never free because you pay for them either directly or by accepting a smaller commission split from insurer) printing, copying materials, etc. Insurance is one business where your expenses can easily outpace your income. The only way a business can exist is to create a profit (Commissions earned less expenses paid). This profit is what you and your family will live on. You must make sure you operate your business profitably so you can stay in business. Look at how you run your sales career. Make it a profitable one! Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jeffery_Davis/1586511 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7818156

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